
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

How Well Do You Know Your Blogger Answers

Not that any of you have been asking about this, but here are the answers to my March 7 blog: How Well Do You Know Your Blogger?


1.     Elaine never considered being an architect (that was Jagdish’s early career), an astronomer, a community organizer or a politician. All the others were career paths she followed or considered at least briefly when she was young. And yes, even a nun.

2.     The only things on this list that Elaine did NOT wear to work were the fishnet stockings, the Joan and David pumps and the over-the knee boots. She couldn’t afford Joan and David and her thick calves made tall boots impossible. The rest of her attire could politely be called eclectic. She still has the gargoyle pendant with the nose ring and the Majorican pearls.

3.     Elaine did play strip poker (once), smoke a pipe (in college) and sun bathe topless (at a Club Med). But she never did anything else on this list. Really.

4.     Clumsy Elaine broke her arm twice (falling from a swing and ice skating), her foot twice (grocery shopping and hanging out laundry—on Mother’s Day no less) and her nose water skiing.

5.     All are Elaine’s claims to fame except that she didn’t win most original for that cat costume. Band members might also take issue with what she called whistling.

6.     Almost all are the actual names of Elaine’s first six cats. Hilltop Cinderella was the family Beagle (aka Cindy). Bonus points if you know the names of the three cats she has now. (Email or message her for answers.)

7.     Elaine currently plays alto saxophone in a community band. She played Flutophone in fourth grade, oboe in high school and piano beginning quite young. Her sister, Barbara, taught Elaine and Richard until a neighbor who was a music major took over. Richard tried his hand at accordion and also played the harmonica.


Copyright 2022 Business Theatre Unlimited


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