
Sunday, August 1, 2021

Crayon Colors for Seniors

 All this time stuck at home has led to folks taking up old-fashioned hobbies to keep from going stir crazy. Many of us have discovered (or rediscovered) jigsaw puzzles. Another trend that had already begun before the pandemic is adult coloring books. And by that, I don’t mean X-rated. I mean ones with more complex patterns, like Indian mandalas, designed to appeal to adults.


I’ve noticed some interesting books on this trend, and I’ve seen new crayon colors on back-to-school promotions. But I haven’t seen crayons created especially for seniors. Here’s good news for people who’ve been wishing for those. I’ve put together a new selection with colors that reflect seniors’ every day lives.


It begins with some hair shades that once were popular with little old ladies. Clairol Blue in the seniors 24-pack is trendier than the color older women used to dye their hair. It’s kind of punk, for those of you who march to your own drummer. L’Oreal Purple is an alternative to Clairol Blue. Some of you will prefer the more predictable blue; others will go all out with this purple. Enhance your coloring book designs by using both.


Keeping in this segment of the color wheel, the ever-essential Velcro Violet matches the sparks you see when you undo Velcro straps in a dimly lit room. Bad Mood Indigo is much darker than Velcro Violet, for when your frame of mind is truly gloomy. I perk up the wheel and your spirits with Widow Scarlet, an uplifting shade for any woman who finds herself on her own at this stage of life.


Moving on I have another bright choice that’s even more invigorating than Widow Scarlet. Roadster Red is the red-family crayon that men will grab as soon as their pack is opened. Sporty women will gravitate toward it, too. Rolling along the color wheel, no seniors 24-pack would be complete without Golf Cart Green. I’ve included this one expressly for duffers, and there are plenty of you in senior communities. Parked nearby in the pack, you’ll find Scooter Orange. Vroom! Vroom!


I’ve included a potpourri of interesting and livelier colors. In the game zone, I have Shuffleboard Disc Blue-green, inspired by that game’s energy. Spread it around with gusto! Chardonnay Yellow was a no-brainer. It matches the wine that is served at every Mahjong game. If you’re not a fan of Chardonnay, you might enjoy using Rosé Rose, a trendy alternative to heavy wine shades in the red family.


Other semi-bright colors reflect seniors’ physical issues and commonly prescribed medications. Bat Wing Pink is mostly for women. I’m sure some men get bat wings, too, but for some reason we notice them most on our female friends. Add to your pink tones with Cataracts Carnation. It’s brighter than Bat Wing Pink and can mimic a prism when scattered throughout a design. Scooter Orange too bright for your tastes? Choose Diuretic Apricot as a soothing alternative. On the other hand, Statin Cerulean is a stimulating shade in the blue-green family that will enliven any design.


Crayons in the brown family, though less exciting, are a must-have in any set. No senior crayon pack would be complete without Liver Spot Brown. Another obvious choice, Neck Wattle Beige makes an appropriate companion. In related medication colors, you’ll find Beta-Blocker Umber. It’s deep and earthy, an essential brown shade. Last in this subset is the ever-popular Earwax Mustard. Benjamin Moore was the source for the particular shade in the seniors 24-pack. Practice your colorist skills by blending these four together.


Crayons in the white and gray families are also staples of a proper set. The simple yet sophisticated Mahjong Tile Ivory is a useful neutral color. One of the lighter colors named for senior medications is Plavix Pearl, part of a calming palette. Nana White will become a favorite color for those of you who have grandchildren. Many older ladies will gravitate toward Goat Hair Silver. It was created to match those unsightly brittle hairs that sprout on our necks after a certain age. Finally, there’s Old Hag Wart Grey. Though named for females, even men should feel free to use this one.


There you have it—the new and exciting crayons created especially for seniors. Look for them soon in a store near you. Not available yet on Amazon, but I’m working on it.


Copyright 2021 Business Theatre Unlimited.

1 comment:

Pat Lariviere said...

Great article! I smiled from Clairol Blue to Hag Wart Gray! You even got me trying to create a few of my own "senior" crayon colors!